Paint the Town

Southend Street Community Working Bee and Street Party
April 26th corner of High Street and Laings Road 10am-4pm
The Southend Business Group is hosting a community working bee / street party on Monday April 26th to create a fun and colourful project on High Street. We invite you to join us to ‘Paint the Town’ and help to make the Southend of High Street the creative entrance to Lower Hutt.
Our way finding project changes the use of an old concrete bollard from a disused poster billboard space into a colourful and functional way finding signage for some of our locally owned businesses.
Want an invite? Well just register at Contact | Southend Business Group ( via form on website include “Paint the Town” under Message. We will email you confirmation and details on turning up at the appointed date and time. We will provide the paint and painting supplies, a painting t-shirt, refreshments and music. We’ll tuck in and get painting, once done we’ll move across the street to Buzz outdoor space for some great food and more entertainment.
“By repurposing dull and familiar objects found on the street, we can bring a new visibility to the businesses known and unknown on High Street” Natalie and Jess
Designed by Massey University students as part of School of Design, BDes (Hons),
Semester 3/Summer Paper 2020, 197.471
Social interventions through Design Urban Camouflage