Christmas in the CBD 2020

Cyndi Christensen
Light up the Hutt
Did you know there are 129 Days until Christmas?
Did you know there are 105 Days until 1 December?
We really should be starting to create a plan of action to make the Southend festive.
An idea is brewing among some of the SEBG members to theme the Southend with Christmas trees. Co-design method brings all SEBG members and non-members into the creative process for the creation of a project that has impacts on many. This approach has potential to generate more creative ideas for a more sustainable and resilient outcome for the Southend. There are 44 days until 1 October and 14 days until 1 September. 
What are you planning for Christmas promotions?
Do you decorate your business? windows? Interior? play Christmas music?
Let's start talking!

The Southend needs to create a festive atmosphere for Christmas season

Interested ? have ideas ? Planning promotions? Creating a plan?
Let's have a brainstorm blog and get a plan in place and create something to build on going forward for future years.
Christmas trees painted by Arts on High